Ahh, Summer...
The kids are home, the days are l o n g, and I am faced with the task of entertaining my 4 little peeps without going stir crazy. Yes...I have to admit that spending time outside is not always appealing to me. The heat burns, the humidity is oppressive, and the bugs...oh, the bugs!
As my poor little two-year-old (not known for being a tough guy) always says, "bugs are bothewin' me"!
So, for those times when you just don't feel like braving the sizzling sun, I have compiled a few entertaining activities from my bag of tricks to keep the lil' ones happy and their mommy sane. Since we are often spur-of-the-moment type people, I like to have activities that require little to no preparation and everyday materials that are on easily on hand. I hope you find something you can use to make your summer more enjoyable!
1. Cheerios Jewelry
What mom doesn't have stale Cheerios in her pantry? Dump some in a bowl, dig around for some pipe cleaners or yarn, and have your kids make edible bracelets or necklaces.
2. Rock Painting
Yup. Paint rocks. Or sticks. Or anything that you can find outside that's paintable. We have huge, smooth rocks in our landscaping that provide a perfect canvas for my budding artists. I love to decorate our gardens, sidewalks, deck...whatever...with the finished products.
Tip- I have a vinyl St. Patrick's Day tablecloth that I use only for messy projects. I just throw it over the table and the kids can go crazy without making me crazy. Sometimes I wipe it off, sometimes I just fold the nasty thing right up and tuck it away for next time.
Tip- Nudify your kids! I strip my precious Picassos of at least their shirts before paintbrush hits hand.
Tip- I use the small, cheapie bottles of paint (Plaid brand?) that are *not* washable so that their work can stay outside in the elements. To make them a little more durable, I finish with a spray of clear glossy spray paint.
3. Pillow Diving
What's more fun than leaping into a sea of pillows? Round up all the pillows and cushions you can find (just make sure they're not your good pillows!). Throw them on the floor in front of your couch and let those monkeys jump away. Of course, constant supervision goes without saying!
4. Movie Party
Yeah, I said it. Turn on the TV. Pop some popcorn, grab the blankets, and pile up on the floor with a good flick.
Tip- to make it extra special, grab a piece of construction paper, shape into a cone (think dunce cap style), staple in place, and pour popcorn into the cones. I've been known to hide a little treat in the bottom. The kids love it! Just keep a vacuum handy...
5. Tea Party
6. Play Dough
I know, I know!!! We moms HATE that nasty, messy stuff that the kids love to eat, mix, and crumble. But with a few tips, it can be less destructive AND provide your cherubs with a looong and creative activity.
Tip- once again, break out that cheap vinyl tablecloth reserved JUST for mess-making. Set your kids at a table on a HARD SURFACE floor (NO carpets!) and make the environment fun and relaxing so they will stay put for a while.
Tip- make an iTunes playlist just for the kids (I even taught my daughter how to turn it on for us) and let fun kid music play while they're playing and doughing.
Tip- I set my laptop somewhere near the table (lock the keyboard!) and pull up http://www.hasbro.com/playdoh/en_US/FreshIdeas.cfm, Play Doh's awesome website. My kids love looking at all of the different creations and are inspired to make their own.
Tip- Don't worry if they mix colors or make a mess. The stuff is cheap. Let it dry for a little bit and it'll sweep right up. Don't forget to employ your little ones to help clean up when they're done!
7. Swimming Tub
Can't stand the idea of dragging out the kiddie pool, filling it with water, lathering up squirming bodies, slipping on the wet floors, peeling off grassy clothes, dumping out 9 tons of water, cleaning up all the pool accessories, and collapsing in a heap of exhaustion after the kids enjoyed exactly 2 1/2 minutes of active "swimming"? Try an indoor swim. Let your kids don their cute new suits from Target, coat the floor with towels, and take a deep breath.
***inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale****
Now, let them go crazy! Give 'em a beach ball and some pool toys, and maybe even squirt in some soap just to kill two birds with one stone. But try not to do too much so that they think they are really breaking the rules and swimming, not bathing.
8. Mommy Daycare
Turn your everyday activities into Preschool-themed events and your kids are instantly having fun. We have snacks in the "cafeteria", enjoy a song or two at "circle time", and compose a morning message. After taking a few minutes to download free printable worksheets or coloring pages...voila!...you have your very own classroom.
9. Question Box
Take a tip from Sid the Science Kid and keep a Question Box (or notebook) for all of those crazy questions your kids ask.
Are robots real? Are carrots real? What's the biggest planet and why can't we live there?
Shrug and pop it in your question box. Then, when you're particularly void of activities, snuggle up with your inquizzative one and let the research begin! My kids love seeing videos of how cars are made, pictures of where their food comes from, and so on.
Finally, if all else fails: find another stir-crazy mom, call her ASAP, brew a pot of coffee, and let your kids come up with their own creative entertainment.